CivBlock Rules
The CivBlock Community rules are listed below.
Each rule that inherits a punishment for breaking it is noted with tags at the end of it.
W Means a Warning could be issued.
M Means a Mute could be issued.
B Means a Ban could be issued.
Section 1: Social
1.1 We are an English speaking Server, and while we value other languages
and peoples in order to moderate inappropriate communication. So speaking
English is required and enforced in all global channels and signs.
1.1.1 Players may use other languages in Private Chat or Town Channels.
1.2 Advertising your stream, or CivBlock related Discord is allowed.
1.2.1Advertising other Minecraft Servers, non-affiliated communities,
other people's
streams, websites or merchandise is not allowed. WM
1.3Toxicity is not allowed on the server. Generally Toxic Behaviour addressed below.
1.3.1Spamming (Includes excessive CAPS usage). WM
1.3.2Aggressive trolling or targeted harassment. WMB
1.3.3Arguing with Staff. WM
1.3.4Excessive offensive language (casual usage of cursing is allowed within
reason as long as it does not violate another rule) WM
1.3.5Encouraging others to break rules. W B
1.3.6No Sexualized Material is allowed. WMB
1.3.7Sexually suggestive comments “Like calling someone Baby Girl”WMB
1.4Harassment of any kind is not tolerated and will be dealt with harshly. General harassing
behavior is described below.
1.4.1Targeting or Harassing a player based on Race, Gender, Age, Sexuality, Disability.B
1.4.2Refusing to leave a claim, or “Camping” after being asked to leave by an Owner.WB
1.4.3Leaving offensive or harassing messages on Signs near other peoples claims.WWB
1.4.4Specifically Targeting one person or group for no Valid Role-Play reasoon.WB
1.4.5Threatening/acting to DOS or DOX a person or group in any capacity.B
1.4.6Excessively reporting someone to try and get them in trouble for trivial or non rule breaking things.WB
1.4.7Attempting to lure someone into doing something that violates rules.WB
1.4.8Being aggressive or Rude to Staff.WM
1.4.9Telling other players to STFU or to shut up aggressively. They have just as much right to speak.WM
1.4.10Sexual advances, persuing sexual relations, or making sexual references to or about someone is not allowed.WMB
1.4.11Real Life Death Threats or telling someone to Kill Themselves is not tolerated and will be dealt with harshly.MB
1.4.11Descriptions of, talking about, or engaging in Real Life self harm is not tolerated.WMB
1.5Discrimination of any kind is not allowed. Discrimination is defined as treating someone differently
based on that person's personal characteristics.More specifically, the use of derogatory name calling,
or phobic comments as described but not limited to the list below.
1.5.1Homophobic or Transphobic comments and slurs are strictly not allowed.B
1.5.2Racial comments and slurs are strictly not allowed.B
1.5.3Ableist comments and slurs are strictly not allowed.B
1.5.4Sexist comments and slurs are strictly not allowed.B
1.5.5Ageist comments and slurs are strictly not allowed.B
1.5.6Bigotry is strictly not allowed.B
1.5.7Real Life Political persecution is not allowed.B
1.6Attempting to “BUMP” a support ticket is not allowed.WM
1.7Anything that violates Discord Terms of Service is not Allowed.MB
1.8Players may advertise CivBlock Related Discords however, if questionable behavior or breakages
of Discords TOS happens on that server and is not properly stopped and addressed, CivBlock Staff reserves
the right to take action by removing any advertisements for that Discord or Community, and to take action for
any violations deemed necessary for the offenders and or owners of that Discord on CivBlock Discord and Server.
Section 2: Roleplay Rules
2.1Slavery and Sexual Roleplay is expressly forbidden.MB2.2Roleplaying Real Life Political Regimes or Religions is not allowed. (Such as Nazis or the Catholic Church)B
2.3Roleplaying Real Life Countries, Regions, People, or Rulers is not allowed. (No Queen of Denmark RP).WM
Section 3: Mods, Plugins, and Exploits
3.1An illegal modification would include:3.1.1Speed Hacking, Flying, Kill Aura, X-Ray, ESP, Auto Clickers, God Mode, Auto Fishing, Anti-AFK,
Mini-Maps that show Entities, Anti-Knockback, Criticals, Bunnyhop, Reach, Aimbot, or any automation.
Others may not be listed, but using any measure of reasonable thought, you should get the point.B
3.1.2Any hacked Client or Launcher.B
3.2Exploiting any known or unknown bug is not allowed.B
3.2.1Not reporting a BUG is the same as exploiting it and carries the same Punishment for exploiting it.B
3.3The Server is meant to be played by individuals with one account. Player ALTs are not allowed.B
3.3.1Gamemasters with Staff Commands may have 1 player alt account to play on as a player account.
They are not required to detail to the playerbase who that alt account is.
Section 4: Player vs Player
4.1Abusing PvP Shield (toggled on and off for advantage) is not allowed.WB4.2Camping players near a claim is not allowed.WB
4.3Luring someone to kill them with a scam trade is not allowed.WB
4.4PvP banter is allowed, but excessively calling someone “shit” or the like will result in penalties.WB
4.5Using a rift shard of any sort to bypass a PvP Shield is not legal PvP.WB
Section 5: Towny, Builds, and the Wild
5.1Town Names5.1.1No inappropriate naming (derogatory, offensive, political)WB
5.1.2No real world location namesWB
5.2No founding another Town within 208 (13 chunks) blocks of another Town without their permission.WB
5.2.1This includes outposts of War.
5.3Griefing is strictly not allowed, and can be narrowed down to include but not be limited to the following:
5.3.1Placing or breaking blocks or signs near a build in order to do damage, troll, or harass a player
or group or town. This includes using fluid mechanics such as water and lava, lavacasting, or building
something inappropriate.WB and stealing treasure blocks such as Gold, Iron, Diamond, Emerald, Copper, Enchanting Tables,
and Unclaimed Chests is allowed. Crops, Resources - or killing/stealing Horses, or other livestock is allowed from Unclaimed land.
However it is not permitted on claimed lands.
5.3.2Destroying Builds in a Claimed Area of which you are a member that are not your own, without the
express permission of the Town owner or someone authorized to give you that permission. This includes
stealing Treasure Blocks as described in rule as that would be classified as Insiding.WB is defined as joining a Town or group to gain access and permissions to builds and supplies for
the purpose of stealing of causing destruction.
5.4Griefing the Wilderness is not allowed. Griefing wilderness includes instances of but is not limited to: Random
1x1 towers or the equivalent, leaving floating trees, destroying the landscape for no reason, inappropriate builds, etc.WB
5.4.1Griefing unclaimed structures and arson for no real reason.WB
5.5You are allowed to build -1- fall Trap in your Town. The opening can be no larger than 20 blocks total,
configured in whatever way you wish (2x10, 5x4, etc). There must be an unobstructed and clear exit from the trap
below to be legal.WB
5.5.1Other traps are legal, as long as they do not prevent the player's ability to escape.
5.6Monster Farms, Spawner Farms, or Automatic Farms of any kind are not allowed. This includes Mob Towers
Dungeon Farms, and any farm that auto harvests without player triggering the harvest.WB
Section 6: Misc Rules
6.1As it is impossible for anyone to consider every single possible situation, the CivBlock Staff may, when needed,decide that something violates the spirit of our Community and its Rules, followed by appropriate action.
6.2This document can be updated at any time by the Administration, any updates
6.3By Playing CivBlock you agree to the Rules. Stating you did not know something was against the rules is not and will
never be an excuse to break rules.
6.4Punishments for breaking rules such as mutes and bans may, can and will be carried over to Discord when deemed
appropriate by Staff. Opposit is also true.